As the summertime heat rapidly approaches, the functioning of your air conditioning unit becomes critical to maintaining cool comfort while indoors. Air conditioners and cooling systems across the nation are cranked up, keeping the air cool and the humidity in check. But with such high usage, poorly or improperly installed, maintained, and repaired HVAC systems will likely fail, leaving your indoor spaces hot, sticky, and uncomfortable.

Our constant reliance on our air conditioners makes it essential to ensure your HVAC system gets the care it needs for summer and beyond. Here, our Auburn HVAC experts offer the ultimate guide to residential HVAC maintenance and care for the summer. Spoor's Heating & Air Conditioning offers a comprehensive range of air conditioner services, including trusted AC repair and 24-hour emergency AC repair service, so you're never left in the heat. Contact us today to schedule HVAC services for your property!


Schedule Preventative HVAC Maintenance

One of the best ways to keep your cooling system running at peak efficiency and optimal performance is to schedule regular, preventative HVAC maintenance with a certified technician, such as those at Spoor's Heating & Air Conditioning. Preventative maintenance or HVAC tune-ups comprise professional care that should never be skipped. During a tune-up, our technicians inspect every component of your air conditioning unit, ensuring each part is functioning as it should. If your technician notices a problem or a need for a repair or replacement, they will discuss the best course of action to get your HVAC system back to optimal performance and functioning. Contact us to schedule preventive maintenance for your Auburn, CA, HVAC!

Update Your Summer Thermostat Settings

If your HVAC system isn't working as it should, but the unit and its components seem to be in order, the problem could reside within your thermostat. If your thermostat fails or is broken, it won't be able to accurately read the temperature in your home. If this happens, it won't communicate the required signal to turn on your cooling system when the indoor temperature rises. During your air conditioning repair call with our technicians, they can help you properly calibrate your thermostat to ensure it's in working order. If you have a traditional thermostat, you might want to consider switching to a programmable thermostat. Programmable thermostats allow you to control the temperature in your home with greater autonomy and precision.

Replace Air Filters For Improved Airflow

The air filters in your HVAC system are integral for keeping indoor air quality high and healthy for you and your household to breathe. As you use your HVAC system, the internal air filters accumulate dust, dirt, pet hair, dander, and other airborne contaminants and pollutants, preventing them from entering the cooled air and lowering the quality of your indoor air. With time and regular use, these absorbed particles build up, creating inefficiencies in your filter's ability to absorb particulate matter further. Once the filter can no longer absorb particulates further, it can force the particles back into the system and, by extension, back into your indoor air. This causes your system to work overtime to meet the desired pre-set temperature. How often you change your air filters depends on your lifestyle and specific system requirements. contact Spoor's Heating & Air Conditioning for assistance!

Make Adjustments To Prevent Cooling Loss

When the outdoor temperatures are scorching in the height of the summer season, you'll probably want to seek cool comfort indoors. But if your residential structure isn't equipped with the right-size HVAC system, if the cooling system is ineffective, or if there are leaks in the system, your home could have cooling loss. Cooling loss occurs when your air conditioning system doesn't run at peak efficiency or when something impedes that efficiency, it can cause cooled air to leak out of the system, preventing it from reaching your home's vents and registers and your greater indoor environment. Cooling loss can concur as a result of damaged or dirty ductwork, improper insulation in your home, and poorly or inadequately sealed doors and windows.

Keep The Outside Condenser Clear

Your HVAC system comprises many parts and components, each of which is essential to the overall performance and function of the system. One of the essential components of your air conditioner is the outdoor condenser unit. The AC condenser on your property is tasked with releasing collecting heat from the indoor spaces, assisting in the efforts to cool your home. The best way to ensure your outdoor condenser unit is able to function properly, other than scheduling regular maintenance with Spoor's Heating &Air Conditioning, is to regularly inspect the area surrounding the unit looking for debris, such as fallen leaves, weeds, and other possible obstructions. If any obstructions are present, clear them away from the unit, leaving a fully clear space around it. Check the unit at least twice each month to ensure nothing blocks it.

Inspect Air Vents & Registers

In preparation for high-use season for your air conditioner, one of the best things you can do to help along the efficiency and capability of your air conditioner is to inspect and clean out all the air vents and registers on your property. Dirty ducts and vents can prevent your HVAC system from circulating high-quality, cooled air throughout your residence, meaning the air quality will be lower and even can contain harmful airborne particles. What's more, your HVAC system will also become less efficient with dirty air vents and registers, making the system work harder than it should to adequately cool your indoor spaces, resulting in a spike in your monthly energy bills. First, check the vents and look for any signs of dirt, dust, or any other kind of debris accumulated on the interior or exterior face. If any debris is present, clean it off and ensure all the air vents and registers are open so the cooled air can flow freely.

Spoor's Heating & Air Conditioning Can Keep You Cool This Summer

Summertime in California means adventure and plenty of outdoor fun, but the outdoors can quickly become uncomfortable on the hottest days of the season, especially if you can't find comfort indoors because your air conditioner isn't functioning properly. Our professional technicians at Spoor's Heating & Air Conditioning are here to help with all of your HVAC needs, from repairs and replacements to preventative maintenance and new system installations. Contact us today and learn more about how we can help you beat the summer heat!