6 Noises You Don't Want To Hear From Your Air Conditioner

During the hottest days of the year, our air conditioning systems work dutifully to keep us cool and comfortable so it's important to look for signs of AC issues, such as strange noises. While it's not uncommon for air conditioning systems to make a little noise, there are a handful of sounds you never want to hear from your air conditioner. Below, the experienced air conditioning technicians with our HVAC company warn of six noises you never want to hear from your air conditioner. Hearing strange noises coming from your air conditioner system? Contact our AC repair company today to request AC services in Auburn, CA!


Loud Humming Or Whistling

The first noise to listen for is a loud humming or whistling sound, which could indicate a loose or damaged seal in your unit. While a loose or damaged seal can be a relatively minor issue, it can quickly become more severe. If you hear humming or whistling coming from your air conditioner, contact our HVAC technicians today for AC repair services!


Whether it's something small, such as a nut or bolt, or something larger, such as a motor mount, hearing a banging noise whenever your AC runs is likely a sign of a loose or dislodged part. If you hear a banging sound coming from your AC, seek professional air conditioning repair services to prevent the problem from causing further damage.


A hissing noise is a sure sign something has gone wrong in your air conditioning system. Several issues, such as an internal valve leak, a refrigerant leak, or a compressor problem, could cause a hissing sound. No matter what's causing the problem, it's crucial to schedule air conditioning service to remedy this issue immediately.


A sharp, shrill squealing or screeching noise from your AC can be obnoxious and typically a sign of a worn AC belt. Your air conditioner's belt is a crucial component of the overall system responsible for turning the blower. Luckily, this is a fairly inexpensive fix. Contact your local HVAC company to have a professional replace your AC belt.


Hearing constant clicking noise whenever you start your air conditioner is a bad sign. This is because clicking sounds coming from the air conditioning system could indicate a problem with your air conditioner's electrical foundation. Contact an experienced air conditioner repair service as soon as you hear clicking coming from your AC.

The Sound Of Running Water

The sound of running water is not something you want to hear coming from anything other than a faucet you turned on. If you hear a noise similar to running water coming from your air conditioner, there could be an issue with the refrigerant moving through your system. This malfunction could lead to a total breakdown of your AC system if not fixed immediately.