When shopping for a new HVAC air filter, homeowners will discover that there are many different air filters with a wide range of Minimum Efficieny Reporting Value (MERV) ratings, and attempting to determine which one best fits your needs can often be overwhelming. Below, Spoor's Heating & Air Conditioning outlines what MERV ratings are and what each different ratings mean so you can determine which air filter is ideal for your home.

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What Are MERV Ratings?

Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) is a rating system created in 1987 by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers that measures how effective an air filter is at removing air-borne contaminants and pollutants from the air. Ratings are based on the smallest particle a filter can trap. They range from 1 to 20, with a higher rating signifying that a filter is more effective at capturing smaller particles. The ideal MERV rating for your home's air filter will vary depending on a number of factors, such as how many pets you have, your local environment, HVAC system usage, and more.

MERV Rating: 1‐4

While MERV ratings of 1‐4 are the lowest, that doesn't make them insignificant. These filters catch large particles that are most prominent within household HVAC systems, such as carpet fibers, dust and mites, insects, and pollen. Filters with a MERV rating of 1‐4 are commonly used in residential homeless that don't require greater filtration and in window AC units.

MERV Rating: 5‐8

Moving up, filters with MERV ratings of 5‐8 are capable of capturing everything filters with MERV ratings of 1‐4 can and more. These filters are versatile and can be used to capture smaller particles like aerosol spray particles, mold spores, and pet dandruff. Filters with a MERV rating of 5-8 are not only useful in households but are also commonly found in commercial and industrial settings. You may consider choosing a filter with this rating if you have one or two pets around the home

MERV Rating: 9‐12

Filters with a MERV rating of 9‐12 can trap even smaller particles than those listed above. These filters offer superior filtration for residential and commercial properties and are even used in some hospital labs. Filters with a MERV rating of 9‐12 are capable of capturing very small particles, including legionella, automobile emissions, welding fumes, lead dust, and larger bacteria.

MERV Rating: 13‐16

MERV ratings of 13‐16 are given to heavy-duty filters capable of capturing ultra-small particles such as bacteria, smoke particles, insecticide particles, and droplet nuclei. These kinds of filters are often used in hospital surgical centers and other indoor areas where heavy filtration is needed. However, it's important to note filters this powerful can also restrict airflow, which could affect an HVAC's efficiency.