When you turn on your furnace, much like any other mechanical appliance, it's bound to make some noise while in operation. However, it's important for homeowners to be able to distinguish the sounds a furnace typically makes from noises that indicate something is wrong. Below, Spoor's Heating & Air Conditioning outlines five furnace sounds that should not be ignored.

Spoor's Heating & Air Conditioning is an HVAC company in Auburn, CA, offering high-quality air conditioning and heating repair services at an affordable price. Contact us today to schedule furnace repair!



The sound of metal scraping against or grinding on metal coming from your furnace is likely an indication of a loose part in your heating system. If you hear a noise that sounds like metal-on-metal coming from your heating system, you should turn it off immediately. Continuous scraping and grinding could further damage your furnace, so it's always best to shut it off when you notice the noise. After shutting the system off, you should contact a local HVAC company so a professional can make any necessary repairs or replacements.


High-pitched squealing or screeching coming from your heating system is another sound that should not be overlooked. This particular sound could be caused by a loose blower belt or dry shaft/motor bearings. Additionally, squealing could be a sign of a malfunctioning blower motor. To prevent your heating system from malfunctioning further, it's crucial to schedule regular HVAC maintenance. Spoor's Heating & Air Conditioning offers a planned maintenance program designed to keep your HVAC system in tip-top condition.


Loud banging sounds coming from your furnace are a telltale sign that something is wrong with your heating system. Dirty furnace burners are among the most common causes of loud banging noises. If you hear loud banging noises coming from your furnace, you should first turn it off. After you've turned your furnace off, you should contact a professional HVAC technician for a tune-up.


Clicking and popping noises can be harder to diagnose. Brief clicking sounds are entirely normal and are to be expected when first turning on your furnace. However, if you hear a constant clicking noise, that may indicate a problem with your furnace's ignition system. Ignition problems could be dirty burners, a broken fan motor, damaged flame sensors, faulty ignition boards, and more. The best way to handle this problem is by scheduling a thorough inspection with a professional technician.


When your heating system is running, a dull humming noise is no cause for concern. However, consistently loud humming might be a sign of an issue with your furnace's blower fan or motor. Additionally, loud humming could indicate an electrical problem, such as a faulty transformer or a failing capacitor. Contact Spoor's Heating & Air Conditioning for HVAC service if you notice loud humming when you run your furnace!